Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Southern Rodmakers Gathering (SRG) 2011 registration is open!

Posted by David Bolin

This heat wave has got me thinking of cooler fall weather. With fall comes the biggest event of the year for me...the Southern Rodmakers Gathering. Make that the eighth or ninth biggest event, after Mary's birthday, the kids birthday's, our anniversary, Christmas, etc...

SRG is usually the third weekend of October, but, technically speaking, there are five weekends in October this year. So...it's the fourth weekend if you're counting weekends. It's October 20th, 21st, and 22nd. So put it on your calendar...NOW. Stop reading this blog and write it down.

Here's a link to the registration form. It will be available soon on the SRG web site. But for now you can get it here.

I'm just back from the Colorado Rodmakers Reunion. Had a great time. Honestly, I really just wanted to reconnect with some friends I hadn't seen for a couple years. Got that done and made more friends. Finally met Michael Hackney...the reelsmith. If you've ever dreamed of making your own fly reels for your bamboo fly rods (be honest, every rodmaker has at least thought about it), Michael can help you get that done. Check out his book and kits at The Eclectic Angler. And his Reelsmithing Forum.

See you at SRG,


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