Monday, October 26, 2009

Back from SRG 2009

Posted by David Bolin

SRG was great again this year.  The weather was a challenge with rain Thursday, cold and windy Friday and georgous Saturday.  But that's normal for Arkansas weather.  This was the year of the ferrule.  From the history of drawn tubing to pushing tubing, making super Z and step down ferrules from tubing, and fiting the male slide.  I shot videos of all the ferrule presentations plus a rattan grip demo by Bob Nunnley.  There were several other good presentations that I just didn't have time to watch.  I hope to have the videos edited and available on the blog in a few weeks.

It was good to meet some of the new rod makers.  It was really cool to see some yonger folks in the crowd.  I had an opportunity to visit with Tyler Beard and Chris Nothstine.  This was the first gathering for both of them and they had already made their first rods.  I thought my first rod was pretty good for a newbie...until I saw theirs.  They're going to be great rod makers.

I'll post more from the gathering as I work through my stack of stuff.


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