Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The Lovely Reed - Reissued!

Posted by David Bolin

Yes, it's true.  The Lovely Reed has been reissued!  Jack Howell has a garage full of books ready to ship.  Alan Kube announced the new edition at SRG a couple weeks ago.  Alan worked with Jack to put the book back in print.  Alan said that there were no changes to the content of the original book except for a few spelling corrections and an updated supplier list.  Jack is selling the book for $60 (USD).

All of us that have not been able to purchase the first edition owe Jack and Alan a great big THANKS!  They could have charged a lot more than $60.  I had an opportunity to take a look at Alan's first edition this summer.  I wish I could have used this book when I was getting started.  Not so much for the content.  Most of the technical stuff looked familiar.  But it was very well written and illustrated.  It's an excellent book for a beginner or someone like me that's quick to forget the details.  I think Alan said they printed 2,000 copies.  The same as the first run.  They will probably go fast as I'm sure most of us will want one for the shop and one for the coffee table.

Here's a link to Jack's order form:

Thanks Jack and Alan!


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