Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Southern Rodmakers Gathering 2013

Posted by David Bolin

Registration is open for SRG 2013.  The dates are October 17, 18 & 19.  There will be a meet up for dinner somewhere in Mountain Home Wednesday evening the 16th for folks that will be arriving early.  Paul Craig is working on a location.  We'll post info when we know where we're meeting.  Here's a link to the registration form.  The registration fee is $60 again this year. 

Scott Bearden is working on the SRG web site.  It should be up to date in a few days.  Bill Armon is working on the schedule.  It's almost complete, but I'm sure he has room for more if there's something you'd like to demo for the group.  Denis Dunderdale is handling lodging at Fulton's.  If you've stayed there before, don't assume you have a room.  Contact Denis to confirm your reservations.  I'm doing registration again this year.

Here's contact info:

Denis Dunderdale (Co-chair) - Fultons Lodging: dryfly@infodash.com
Paul Craig (Co-chair) - Meals: paul328@suddenlink.net
Bill Armon - Program: billarmon@gmail.com
Scott Bearden - Web site & Silent Auction: scott.bearden@gmail.com
David Atchison - Facilities: jdatch@att.net
David Bolin - Registration: searcy_sowbug@hotmail.com

See you there!



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