Friday, July 27, 2007

Trout Bum Gathering

Posted by David Bolin

Had our first ever trout bum gathering at my place last night. Invited 8 or 9 and 3 showed up. I thought that was pretty good for a one day notice. I've given up on planning things way in advance. There are just as many conflicts a month from now as there are tomorrow night. So I'm not going to plan these things until the day before. We'll do another one soon and I'll try to get the word out to more folks. We had fried bologna sandwiches with pepper jack cheese and garden fresh tomatoes. Yeah buddy! And fresh tap water on the rocks. Lowell brought some left over peanut butter birthday cake. Doesn't get any better than that. Learned something new in the fishing category. Lowell mentioned that the AGFC has kicked the stocking back up to last year's level on the Little Red. That should double the action but I suppose the mortality rate will still be high in the slot. I'm just not sure how the slot limit is going to work out on a river that's fished mostly with treble hooks. If they hook one in the slot they have no choice but to release it...even though it's not going to survive. The math just doesn't work in that scenario. If the river was fished primarily with flies, the mortality rate would be very low. I'm not sure that's ever going to happen on a put and take tailwater. But what do I know. Back to the gathering...we watched "the trout bum diaries" Volume 1 Patagonia. Very cool. If you don't have it, Google it and get it.

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